Response to Racial Injustice
Hi everyone, this will not be a normal podcast as we felt it necessary to address the racial injustice that exists in the United States. Speaking for all of us at Beat The Shift, we condemn racism in any form and support the Black Lives Matter movement. This statement is overdue, but we as individuals have been engaging with the Black Lives Matter movement from the outset. The injustices surrounding the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Elijah McClain, and too many others represent just the most recent examples of our country’s long and shameful history of systemic racism, injustice, and perhaps most damning its complacency with this state of affairs. These issues are not a new phenomenon in this country, and there is a dire need for institutional and social change.
We encourage everyone to make your voices heard by signing petitions and donating to organizations committed to bringing on meaningful action and change. We have linked to a list of several ways you can support. This is bigger than baseball. This is about supporting our fellow Americans in their centuries long struggle for equality. Demand the most from your elected officials, and should you encounter it, don’t stand for racism of any kind in your daily lives. And most importantly, make your voice heard and VOTE. That is how we as citizens can enact change.
We ask all of you to join us in an 8 minute and 46 second moment of silence, representing the amount of time Minnesota Police Officer, Derek Chauvin, had his knee pushed onto the neck of George Floyd.